Castel Thannegg - Eco-Hotel
state and global - environmental and climate protection awards

Thannegg climate protection Akademy - Lectures - Alternative energy trail for guest families

When it comes to energy efficiency, alternative energy sources and research into the effects of environmentally friendly action on family hotels, the experts at Schloss Thannegg are indispensable. 

Castle owner Ernst Walter Schrempf is invited as a recognized climate specialist by politicians and institutions to lectures and counseling services. The whole family committed itself to climate protection. Holistic model of climate protection: Schloss Thannegg is the first hotel in the world to count the CO2 emissions of guests arriving to their own CO2 footprint. Our earth has only one atmosphere! In order to implement the internationally binding objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the operational climate emergency will be proclaimed on March 12, 2019. This first climate emergency in Germany and Austria serves the hotel as justification for reducing the quota for climate-damaging overseas passenger arrivals in stages to "0" from 2020 onwards.


Honors: International Energy Globe Award, State Environmental Protection Awards

Eco hotel castle Thannegg receives the 1st prize of the province of Styria for outstanding activities for sustainable use for environmental protection.
The castle hotel works almost with "0" -CO2 emission. It has already surpassed the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol as well as all future laws for the implementation of the UN-Paris Agreement for years due to its heat recovery and alternative energy systems.
In the brochure of the Austrian Sustainability Ministry, it is presented as a "good practice example". 

Family Schrempf expresses its heartfelt thanks for the awards and invites you as a guest of Schloss, the Schloss energy walk with heat pump PV plants, hydropower plants and heat recovery plants.

..and the winner is - Schloss Thannegg !!! 
..and the winner is - Schloss Thannegg !!!

Eco hotel


The guests rate the investment in alternative energy generation as particularly positive. These show that it is possible to sustainably manage the comfortable hotel business in the "medieval castle" in an environmentally sustainable manner. A groundwater heat pump provides the complete castle with cozy warmth. In addition, heat recovery systems from the exhaust air, from cooling systems and from the waste water from showers and baths heat the fresh mountain spring water. PV systems and a private show hydroelectric power station provide 100% green electricity, so that at the same time the e-car charging stations are supplied. Sustainable use of environmentally friendly energies is a life's goal and a mission for future generations for the Schrempf family.

Call to politics, it works! Climate protection is worthwhile!

Castle owner Ernst Walter Schrempf gives lectures on energy efficiency, alternative energies and due to the hesitant implementation by the politicians as a future admonisher about the development of the world climate.


From a farmer boy to a future preacher

Childhood as the oldest of 7 children on a remote mountain farm, apprenticeship electrician in Gröbming-Styria. After completion of the apprenticeship "emigration" to Munich, training as an electrician. At the age of 24, he founds the electrical installation company Elektrotechnik E. Schrempf GmbH. It follows the founding of the family with his wife Gerlinde, she is the true soul of the project. Gerlinde also comes from an Ennstaler mountain farm. Together they continue to develop the electrical business. Two daughters see the world, Katharina, today's junior manager of the hotel and Anna Lena, architect in charge of the building fabric. In Munich, discovered as an innovative entrepreneur, they were awarded the contract to install the first cable TV system in Germany, which was "given away" by the post office customers. Afterwards they installed one of the first network release plants of Germany, (Film contribution ARD). Contracts for the installation of lighting technology by Polo Ralph Lauren and the "Bogner-Haus" in Residenzstrasse / Munich. Schrempf Elektrotechnik stood for the most innovative lighting technology, setting up the lighting of the "brightest" business façade in Munich. His time as an electric entrepreneur in Munich was marked by the construction of the airport "Franz Joseph Strauss", the popular uprising against the reprocessing plant in Wackersdorf, attacks by the Palestinians and the RAF. 1980, Influenced by the book of the Club of Rome "Limits of growth", which already predicted a "world collapse" in the continuation of the depletion on our earth, the nature lover decided to follow this call for "repentance". 1984 Fate takes its course: purchase of a part of the ruin Thannegg in the home village. Planning of the retreat into the Styrian mountains, start of the revitalization work on the castle ruin. From the beginning, he implemented his professional knowledge of energy efficiency and sustainability in the construction work.


Small hotel operation: Environmentally friendly and instead of growth> Development

As the first in the German-speaking area, the innovative castle owner relocated the drainage pipes of WC and the "greywater" to the waste water from showers, bathrooms and the laundry, in separate pipe systems. This approximately 30 degrees warm gray water is directed into a 8000 liter cistern. Using a self-made copper heat exchanger and the use of a heat pump fresh spring water is heated to 60 degrees from the 30 degree heat energy of the wastewater. Thus, the sustainability pioneer, who has been labeled as a "spinner", is initiating the eco-change in the Schlosshotel. Special feature: With the heat energy from the heat pump, the "vicarage" of the castle, the 500-year-old north wing is heated with standard radiators. Thus, the lord of the castle proves that many fossil oil or gas heaters can be replaced by (with green electricity) heat pumps.

Measures implemented Energy efficiency, heat recovery and alternative energies:

30 years of energy-efficient renovation: insulating floor slabs, sealing 10 entrance doors, renewing / restoring box floor windows of 100 rooms with 3000 window panes. Instead of attaching the required vent pipes to the vaulted ceiling, they are not visibly "hidden" in the ground underneath the floors. Also a novelty in the historical renovation of the building: The screeds of the underfloor heating systems let the "spinnerte" lord of the castle block 10 cm into the outer wall. In the partly almost 1000-year-old stone masonry, the ascending moisture is blocked and the ascending masonry is kept dry. Floor air separations and a "tremendously complex" cross-flow ventilation system at that time provide a draft-free fresh air supply. This effort has paid off for a long time over the saved energy costs. Once again a spinning mill by the lord of the castle: Since 30 years the underfloor heating has been running for 30 years in the summer with now 35 degrees outside temperatures. Heat exchangers and a tandem circuit of 2 heat pumps removes heat from the building, keeping it cool and comfortable. With the "won" building heat, the service water is heated almost free of charge for the guests. Of course, the washing machines are supplied with preheated by heat recovery water. The lords of the castle are pioneers of e-bikes, the installation of a type 2 charging station, Tesla destination charger. Anecdote: The opening will be Brian Johnson AC / DC and Sir Sterling Moss "clamped". For years, a BMW i3 has driven the short and long hauls with the utmost enthusiasm. To acquire a German E-car, these are 4 "European" jobs, so the reasoning of his purchase decision. Meanwhile, another electric car is available for purchase. But the critical lord of the castle is unhappy there. The next e-car will probably not be a German make more, because in his opinion, the German car "politics" the soul for sustainability is missing. He hopes for the radical reversal of the neighboring country demanded by the UN climate protection experts. Climate protection is "still" an emotional thing. The castle continues with the conversion to LED lamps ... Since the beginning, all cooling units within the masonry have stood in the lock, and the waste heat from the units has been used for domestic water heating and space heating.

Use of alternative energies

The primary heat has been supplying a 90 kW groundwater heat pump for many years, replacing the old oil heating system. The lord of the castle has used his life insurance for this high investment. "Life insurance" in the truest sense of the word: In many areas of our world people are struggling for their lives due to droughts and floods. The avoidance of CO2 emissions in the remote Ennstal has, according to the lord of the castle, a direct effect on the well at the farm of a family in a remote village in the Sahel. Of course, the investment of the heat pump has paid for itself long ago. 2 PV systems and a restored small hydropower plant from 1922 provide 100% ECO electricity. By using alternative energy sources, the castle is almost 100% free of fossil fuels! The investment in the groundwater heat pump alone reduced annual emissions by 60 tonnes of CO2. The demands of the Kyoto Protocol and already the Paris Agreement were far exceeded by these measures. The guests are thrilled and thank them with the best ratings: 2017 most popular small hotel, 2018 most popular "Award" hotel in Austria, and 2019 the Gold Award Award with 8th place on the world rankings.

Energy and cost efficiency:

By using more than 2/3 free energy from the environment, it was possible to reduce the energy costs by 2.5% of the annual economic output. In the hotel industry, these positive figures represent a stable basis for safeguarding the future of the company and enable additional (environmental) investments. The climate protection homework is done! But then, despite the peak successes, the bitter realization:

If you act so environmentally friendly at home, the extreme weather events triggered by global warming threaten to ruin your work. Heavy rain hail and storms. Why? Because the world's political leaders are not countering, even though they know for decades about the danger of climate collapse!

Ernst Walter Schrempf decides to take action against these abuses. The "Schloss Thannegg Climate Protection Academy" is based in the background with its climate protection role model company ÖKO-Schlosshotel Thannegg and its family in the background. He trains himself as a "municipal and church climate protection officer" and begins with energy efficiency and climate lectures to convince people of the benefits of ecological action. Smiled at by the majority for a long time as an "eco-spinner", he succeeds in the "breakthrough". He is engaged by the Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism as a consultant. In Plan T, the development of the Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism for the Future of Austria, he contributes to anchoring the Paris Climate Protection Goals. The state's goal is to develop Austria into the most sustainable tourism destination in the world. Ernst gives lectures at the European Academy in Bolzano, at the Austrian Hotelier Congress and for TV broadcasts.

Greta Thunberg awakens the "peaceful revolution from below" with fridaysforfuture.
Climate protection becomes a broad topic, the lord of the castle is no longer crazy with his climate protection calls! Thank you, dear Greta, you have released him from the ECO spinner existence.

2019 Ernst Walter Schrempf works in a NGO team with the participation of the CCCA in the development of a civil society platform. Objective: to move the government to implement the Paris climate goals in a democratic way. (Eco-social tax reform) However, the change is very small, to make the lobbying-based democracies relenting. Details: Climate emergency

"climate emergency" an Australian idea comes to Europe www.klimanotstand.com

As a climate protecion veteran he recognizes the effectiveness of the word "climate-emergency", the Australian idea of ​​"climate emergency". The lord of the castle begins to spread this idea in German-speaking countries with many "hacking assignments" in climate forums and contributions.

Eco-Hotel Castle Thannegg Energy walk with the guests

Groundwater heat pump, operated with green electricity from hydropower Floor wall heaters Heat recovery units from greywater, exhaust air, cooling Optimization of power consumption PV systems Small hydro power plant Conversion to LED lamps

Study of Gakuin University Japan

Japanese University Studies Eco-Tourism Concept of Castle Hotel The Seinan Gakuin University in Fukuoka first became aware of Schloss Thannegg by the Schrempf family of sophisticated energy efficiency concepts. This example examines the effects of environmentally friendly behavior on guest behavior. Using alternative energy sources such as a high-tech groundwater heat pump and heat recovery systems from greywater and cooling systems, the lock needs only about 30 percent of energy needs comparable hotels - and despite thicker, medieval stone walls. Every year, about 60 tons of CO₂ are saved. On the other hand, the Japanese researchers convinced the great popularity and the numerous awards: Schlosshotel Thannegg was awarded the first environmental prize of the country, the "Energy Globe Award", and was in three categories last year in the international hotel rating platform "Tripadvisor" among the top 25 most popular hotels in Austria. With the "HolidayCheck Award" 2015 and 2016, it was crowned the most coveted hotel award in the world today. "It is a great pleasure that our sustainable services for the environment and guests find international recognition," says Ernst Walter Schrempf. "The topic of eco-tourism is due to the noticeable environmental issues as hot as never before - in Japan, certainly more than ours. There is currently an environmental debate developing that also affects the hotel industry. "


Schlosshotel Thannegg celebrates the commissioning of a Tesla Destination - Charger

Brian Johnson AC/DC, Sir Sterling Moss. 

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Schloss Moosheim GmbH | Schrempf Family
A-8962 Michaelerberg-Pruggern, Schlossweg 1 / Moosheim
nfschlss-thnnggt | +43 3685 23210
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